The Rural Health Services Research Network has always been passionate about bringing people together to spur on co-creation of ideas and collaboration to bring us closer to greater community and individual wellbeing.
Please see below the details of our past symposiums!
2022: Resilient Transformation of Rural Communities in British Columbia
The goal of our work is to build rural community resiliency through relationships. The 2022 symposium aims to work with a learning community in exploring and understanding the resiliency and transformation of rural communities from several perspectives, including physicians, community, and Indigenous Peoples.
Join us virtually on Zoom for two half-days to explore rural community resiliency from a plurality of perspectives, discussing ways to apply knowledge and brainstorming opportunities to generate new knowledge and extend the research.
May 25 & 26, 2022; 9 am – 12 pm PDT
Please see the Symposium Website for details, symposium objectives, agenda, registration details and background resources.
You can also register directly for FREE here.
This program meets the certification criteria of the College of Family Physicians of Canada and has been certified by UBC CPD for up to 5.5 Mainpro+ Group Learning credits.
The symposium proceedings and recordings from the event can be accessed here!
2020: Planning Resilient Communities and Adapting Rural Health Services in British Columbia
Evidence from current climate science research suggests that anthropogenic activity will cause drastic changes to our environment, including global warming of over 1.5oC in the next 10-30 years, extreme weather patterns, and rising sea levels—some of these changes have already been observed in British Columbia. These environmental impacts have consequences for human health, with natural hazards disproportionately impacting rural populations. The Rural Health Services Research Network of BC (RHSRNbc), in partnership with the Rural Coordination Centre of BC (RCCbc), is hosting a research symposium on ‘Planning Resilient Communities and Adapting Rural Health Services in British Columbia: Responding to climate change and ecosystem disruption’ on Nov 30th – Dec 1st, 2020. Please see the symposium event page for symposium goals, agenda, registration information and more.
Learning materials and resources
- Session 1 Recording: Amplifying youth voices for climate justice
- Session 2 Recording: Community voices and system perspectives
- Session 3 Recording: Exploring rural health strategies to respond to climate change and ecosystem disruption
- Session 4 Recording: Accountability framework and summary of progress
2018: Rural Emergency Services Symposium
On June 2018, key people from RHSRNbc, RCCbc, and BCEMN were in attendance. The RHSRNbc Advisory Committee and research designate consisting of a representative from each university in British Columbia and a member of their organization were invited to attend. Strategic invites (Health Authorities, MoH, BC Ambulance/ Transport / 911 Dispatch) were also made.
The goal of the symposium was to identify the key gaps in understanding and important research questions that need to be answered to support rural emergency services.
The objectives of the event included:
- Generating a high level overview of the existing evidence related to the capacity of smaller rural ERs and the support structures currently in place to sustain these services.
- Identifying important gaps in our current understanding.
- Generating key questions that need to be answered to better understand how rural emergency services attempt to address the needs of the population they serve.
- Examining the interface between the smaller rural ERs and the larger provincial system of emergency care including communication support (synchronous and asynchronous), the integration of care for high acuity patients, and strategies to sustain quality of care (CPD).
- Considering the data needed to answer the questions generated.
- Abu-Laban, R. B. (2018, June 7). Collaborative working group on The Future of Emergency Medicine Canada: Findings and Data Access Opportunities. Lecture presented at RCCbc Rural Emergency Services Research Symposium, Vancouver.
- Christenson, J. (2018, June 7). BC Emergency Medicine Network. Lecture presented at RCCbc Rural Emergency Services Research Symposium, Vancouver.
- Markham, R. (2018, June 7). Emergency Medicine Needs Assessment. Lecture presented at RCCbc Rural Emergency Services Research Symposium, Vancouver.
- Marsden, J. (2018, June 7). What are the capacity and current support for rural emergency services? Lecture presented at RCCbc Rural Emergency Services Research Symposium, Vancouver.
- Van der Linde, E. (2018, June 7). Framing the national landscape. Lecture presented at RCCbc Rural Emergency Services Research Symposium, Vancouver.
2017: Symposium on Mental Health and Substance Use
The Rural Health Services Research Network of British Columbia (RHSRNbc) hosted a symposium on sustaining and progressing rural mental health and substance use services in British Columbia. This is the second research symposium hosted by the RHSRNbc, with the prior focused on determining evidence needs of sustaining rural health services for maternity services, small surgical services, emergency transport services and clinical telehealth. This year’s symposium was held on May 18th and 19th, 2017 in Vancouver and was hosted on the unceded, ancestral and traditional territory of the Musqueam Nation.
The two-day symposium explored the main themes of rural mental health services and substance use through the subthemes of rural emergency services, transport, telehealth and program innovations.
A small, strategically selected group of 22 participants attended the symposium, representing BC post-secondary institutions, BC Health Authorities and the Rural Coordination Centre of BC. This included researchers nominated by members of the RHSRNbc Advisory committees, and participants from Island Health Authority, Interior Health Authority, Centre for Rural Health Research, and the Patient Voices Network.
The purpose of the symposium was to bring together researchers from across British Columbia to facilitate a strategic discussion to advance and refine a rural mental health and substance use services agenda through identification of specific research areas that need to be addressed. Through this two-day symposium, the four subthemes were explored by reviewing existing evidence and then identifying gaps in what we know to propose strategic research questions to advance the rural health services research agenda. Included below are a few of the presentations that had taken place on this day.
- Abetkoff, J. (2018, May). Substance Abuse in Rural Remote Communities. Lecture presented at Symposium on Mental Health and Substance Use, Vancouver.
- Caxaj, S. (2017, May). Rural Mental Health in BC. Lecture presented at Symposium on Mental Health and Substance Use, Vancouver.
- Kornelsen, J. (2018, May). Rural Patient Transfers: Community-based Solutions. Lecture presented at Symposium on Mental Health and Substance Use, Vancouver.
- Murphy, L. (2017, May). Substance Use and rural communities: What could we learn? Lecture presented at Symposium on Mental Health and Substance Use, Vancouver.
- Oelke, N. (2018, May). Mental health in rural communities: Supporting the needs of adults 50 and over. Lecture presented at Symposium on Mental Health and Substance Use, Vancouver.
2015: Symposium on Maternity Care
The Rural Health Services Research Network of British Columbia (RHSRNbc) hosted a research symposium focused on determining evidence needs for sustaining rural health services in Vancouver, BC May 6-8, 2015. The political and strategic context for rural health service planning in British Columbia has evolved over the past several years as ‘rural’ has become a strategic priority for the Ministry of Health. This is evidenced most clearly through the provincial policy paper on Rural Health and the focus on sustaining patient-centered and community care ‘as close to home as reasonably possible.’ This larger context creates opportunities to advance rural health planning, and thus the health of rural residents, based on consolidating evidence from BC and internationally.
The symposium agenda was divided into four thematic areas with half-day sessions on maternity services, small surgical services, emergency transport services, and clinical telehealth. A small strategic invite list of 30 participants consisted of Australian colleagues from the University of Sydney’s University Centre for Rural Health, the RHSRNbc Advisory committee, nominated researchers representing post secondary institutions across British Columbia, the Rural Coordination Centre of British Columbia (RCCbc), Perinatal Services of British Columbia (PSBC), the UBC Centre for Rural Health Research (CRHR),
Applied Policy Research Unit (APRU), First Nations Health Authority (FNHA), Interior Health Authority, and students from the University of British Columbia (UBC).
The purpose of the symposium was to bring together researchers from Canada and Australia to facilitate a strategic discussion to advance and refine a rural health services research agenda that would focus on key questions that need to be answered. This was done by addressing four thematic areas to review existing evidence, identify knowledge gaps and propose strategic research questions to advance the rural health services research agenda. These activities where undertaken with recognition of the need to continue to develop rural health research capacity in British Columbia.