RHSRNbc Publications


Barbour, L., Venkataraman, M., Bland, A., de Waal, A., Fischer, J., Hari, K., & Grzybowski, S. (2024). Payment model impact on the resilience of rural communities. Canadian Family Physician, 70(11-12). https://doi.org/10.46747/cfp.701112719

Rezapour, A., Turner, H., Newbery, S., Grzybowski, S., & Mackey, P. (2024). Supporting future and current rural physicians. CMAJ, 196(39). https://doi.org/10.1503/cmaj.231292

Bland, A., Meyer, A., Orrantia, E., Hale, I., & Grzybowski, S. (2024). Rural physician-community engagement: Building, supporting and maintaining resilient health care strategies in three rural Canadian communities. Australian Journal of Rural Health, 32. https://doi.org/10.1111/ajr.13154

Bland, A., de Waal, A., & Grzybowski, S. (2024). Lessons learned from the COVID‑19 pandemic: The importance of physician leadership in responding to rural community ecosystem disruptions. Canadian Journal of Rural Medicine, 29(2). https://srpc.ca/resources/Documents/CJRM/vol29n2/pg71.pdf


Venkataraman, M., Grzybowski, S., Sanderson, D., Fischer, J. & Cherian, A. (2022). Environmental Racism in Canada. Canadian Family Physician, 68(8). https://doi.org/10.46747/cfp.6808567


Kim D., Rogan, S., Karve, U., Tran, E., Cherian, A., Grzybowski, S., Tsang, E., Liu, K., Fischer, J., de Waal, A., & Bland A. (2020). Planning Resilient Communities and Adapting Rural Health Services in British Columbia : A response to climate change and ecosystem disruption. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.14288/1.0394154


Grzybowski, S. & Dhaliwal, R. (2024, April 18-20). Building Community Profiles and Quality Improvement for Your Community [Conference presentation]. 31st Annual Rural and Remote Medicine Conference, Edmonton, AB.

Grzybowski, S. & Bland. Z. (2024, April 18-20). Heat-Dome Alert!: Rural Communities Responding to the Challenges of Climate Change and Ecosystem Disruption [Conference presentation]. 31st Annual Rural and Remote Medicine Conference, Edmonton, AB.

Grzybowsk, S., McTavis, R., Rymerson, M., & Gangji, A. (2024, April 18-20). Collaborating with Medical Students to Strengthen Rural Generalism [Conference presentation]. 31st Annual Rural and Remote Medicine Conference, Edmonton, AB.