Past Events


BC Rural Health Conference

Join RCCbc for the 2023 BC Rural Health Conference on June 2–4 in Whistler. The conference offers rural physicians, residents and medical students over 50 interactive plenary and breakout sessions on current and emerging rural medicine trends, and activities to network with rural peers. Sign up for pre- and in-conference workshops on: The CARE Course Goes WILDE, CASTED: Emergency, Suturing, Minor Skin Procedures, IUD and Contraceptive Implants, Handheld Ultrasound, Airway Management, and more. Free childcare is available. Earn up to 10.5 Mainpro+ credits and more for pre-conference workshops. See the conference program and register now. #BCRHC


Rural Health Equity Conference

We have been continuing the conversation on how to best move the Rural Health Equity (RHE) conference forward in a reimagined way, especially given the continued global pandemic and multiple community disasters that have paused this conference’s ability to move forward with the original envisioned plan.

We have decided to move this conference entirely online, with two separate days to allow reconnection and continued conversation. The planned online dates are February 14th and 28th (times to be confirmed). Registration is now open! Check out the conference website for all the speaker and session details and to register!

This conference explores equity and health issues in rural settings, sparking dialogue and connections between people who share a passion for responding to rural and remote communities’ unique needs. Presentations will explore strategies for genuine engagement and create dialogue about the implications of research findings for both rural communities and service organizations. Our goal is to spark partnerships for transformative research and knowledge translation. Two main themes guide our program:

Rural communities are characteristically resilient and connected, often working together out of necessity to overcome inequities. This theme will feature examples of community action for health equity, inviting critical reflection on concepts like ‘collaboration’ and ‘equity’. Recognizing that inequities are systemic manifestations of unfair distribution of power and privilege, this theme will also explore issues of decolonization and reconciliation.

Integrated knowledge translation centres on relationships, transforming traditional ideas of separation between researchers, research participants, and research users. This theme invites deliberation on notions of evidence and knowledge, methodology and rigour, engagement, accountability, and inclusivity. We hope to ignite dialogue about the ways in which research is a public good, part of the systems and resources that shape society.

Featured Speakers

Dr. Sarah De Leeuw is an award-winning researcher and creative writer whose work focuses broadly on marginalized peoples and geographies. She has spent most of her life in Northern British Columbia, including Haida Gwaii and Terrace.

She is the Research Director of the Health Arts Research Centre and teaches in the areas of Indigenous peoples well-being and health humanities. Her research sits at the crossroads of social-cultural geography, health-humanities, social determinants of health, and anti-colonial methodologies. She is interested in why some peoples and communities have better lives than others, why other peoples and communities live with burdens of poverty, isolation, violence, discrimination, racism, sexism, or poor health.


Marion Erickson is the Manager at the Health Arts Research Centre. Marion Erickson is a Dakelh woman from the community of Nak’azdli and is a member of the Lhts’umusyoo (Beaver) Clan. Marion has her Bachelors of Public Administration and Community Development from UNBC. Marion has worked as a Researcher for a variety of projects including the Aboriginal Business Development Center, the National Center for Excellence in Indigenous Education, the Upper Fraser Fisheries Conservation Alliance, Nakazdli Band and the Castlemain Group.

Throughout Marion’s research experiences, Marion has recognized that the health and well-being of Indigenous people are connected to the health and well-being of the land. Marion also recognizes art as a way of storytelling and that this storytelling is a way to build relationships within our northern communities. This relationship-building is necessary to work collectively towards actively addressing health inequalities in the north.

Laura McNab-Coombs is a Metis woman currently living on the traditional territory of the Lheidli T’enneh of the Dakelh Nation. Laura is a biomedical studies student at the University of Northern British Columbia. She currently works part-time as a HARC Researcher and is a full-time Indigenous Health Research Facilitator for the BC NEIHR.

Laura aspires to obtain a career in medicine, focusing on the health and wellness of northern Indigenous communities. She hopes to provide a practice that can gracefully merge Traditional and Western medicine, creating a respectful and safe space for Indigenous patients within the Canadian Healthcare System.

Would you like to get involved?

Thank you to those who have submitted an abstract during this time. If you would like to submit an updated abstract or have any questions, please send it to:

Want to share this event with your network?

Thank you! Attached is a pdf poster to share with your network.


Registration is Now Open for the Rural Health Equity Conference 2022! Register on the conference website at this link.


See the full conference schedule on the conference website here.

This conference is supported by the Michael Smith Foundation for Health Research (MSFHR) Convening and Collaborating Award and RHSRNbc.

BC Rural Health Research Exchange 2022

In 2022, the BCRHRx featured 24 presentations from across B.C., touching on topics such as mental health, rural transport, health technologies, COVID-19 and much more. The unique format saw each presenter speak to their research for 10 minutes, followed by five minutes of Q&A facilitated by our moderators. The event began with a welcome from the Rural Coordination Centre of BC’s Scientific Directors and keynote address from Indigenous Researcher, Bianca Michell. Recordings from the two Zoom Rooms (A & B) are available below. Download the program here.

Watch the recordings here:


2021 BC Rural Health Research Exchange (BCRHRX)
Date: November 23, 2020 (8:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.) on Zoom
Call for presenters and general registration now open

After a very successful inaugural event, the Rural Coordination Centre of BC (RCCbc) and Joint Standing Committee on Rural Issues (JSC) are pleased to support the second BC Rural Health Research Exchange (BCRHRx), a virtual half-day event filled with brief rapid-style presentations designed to inform, engage and share current rural research in British Columbia. This is not your grandparents’ stodgy academic conference (elbow patches and tweed jackets are optional)! At this event, we want to find out together: “What sort of rural research is happening in BC? 

Researchers, clinicians and trainees (students) from across BC will present their ongoing and/or completed rural health research in a concise, visually interesting and rapid presentation style. Presenters will have up to 10 minutes to present their research work, with up to five minutes of questions/answers from the virtual audience (via the chat box in Zoom). Topics covered will include rural transportation, virtual health, team-based care and cultural safety. 

For more information and highlights from the 2020 event, visit: here

Recordings available here:


UNBC Research Week 2020

March 2-6, 2020

Prince George, BC

Research Week is a celebration of the increasingly innovative and collaborative research that happens at UNBC and beyond. The week consists of various events which celebrate and showcase the groundbreaking and interdisciplinary research on and beyond the UNBC campus. The aim is to bring researchers from various disciplines together and create a favourable atmosphere for developing innovative research ideas. Research Week is an amalgamation of the UNBC Graduate Conference, Undergraduate Research Experience (URE) Celebration and Postdoc Day of Research events.

Rural and Remote Medicine Course

April 23-25, 2020

Ottawa, ON

More than 190 sessions, small group sessions, hands-on workshops and Rural Critical Care modules. 


Value in Canadian Healthcare: CHSPR 2019 Annual Health Policy Conference

March 7-8, 2019

Vancouver, BC

A conference that includes policy-makers, academics, providers, patients, and national organizations in discussing issues that shape the Canadian health system.

Collaborative Mental Healthcare Conference

March 7-8, 2019

Richmond, BC

With the aim to advance collaborative practice in mental health care in primary care and community settings, join in contributing to the dialogue between various stakeholders.

The 27th Annual Rural and Remote Medicine Course

April 4-6, 2019

Halifax, NS

More than 160 sessions, small group sessions, hands-on workshops and Rural Critical Care modules.

2019 CADTH Symposium

April 14-16, 2019

Edmonton, AB

Exploring health technology management in Canada and beyond, join delegates such as clinicians, patient groups, industry representatives, and students that come from various backgrounds from government, universities, regional health authorities, and more. 

BC Rural Health Conference

May 24-26, 2019

Nanaimo, BC

A CPD/CME conference that will have interactive group sessions, interprofessional learning  opportunities, and hands-on skills workshop. 

eHealth 2019

May 26-29, 2019

Toronto, ON

A conference and tradeshow with the largest gather of digital health professionals. This event will include proactive learning, networking, and dialogue surrounding effective integrated system solutions.

2019 3rd Annual National Conference on Medical Assistance in Dying

May 31 - June 1, 2019

Vancouver, BC

The CAMAP is a non-profit medical association with a mission to support MAiD assessors and providers in their work towards educating the public and health care community about MAiD and provide leadership around determining medical standards and guidelines. Join this multidisciplinary conference taking place in May-June!

CLIC Conference 2019

October 27-30, 2019

Vancouver, BC

The CLIC 2019 Conference will be hosted in beautiful Vancouver, Canada. We welcome anyone with stakes in clinical education, be it LIC enthusiasts or first-timers, faculty, staff, or students. As continuity of relationships — with patients, peers, preceptors and/or programmes — underlies the foundation of LICs, we look forward to connecting, learning, influencing and championing change aimed at advancing clinical education and ultimately, patient care.

BC Support Unit Conference: Putting Patients First 2019

November 20, 2019

Vancouver, BC

Putting Patients First is our annual conference designed to encourage learning and collaboration between patients interested in patient-oriented research (POR), health researchers, health care providers and health system decision makers.

Northern Health: 2019 Quality Celebration

October, 2019

Prince George, BC (or virtual)

The theme of the celebration is “Quality Lives Here”. Taking place October 2019, this month-long quality improvement celebration will be virtually and in person. This is an opportunity to showcase what individuals or teams have  done to improve everyday practice and the experience of staff, patients and families in the places that they work.